Tuesday, August 2, 2011

summer's bounty.

This past weekend we had Erin and her roommate Victoria over for dinner. It was a wonderful evening spent eating yummy things and catching up on the life of a soon-to-be Houston inner-city school teacher. Erin and Victoria are doing TFA (Teach for America) in Houston and have been working their little tails off, so I was excited to hear about everything and serve them a nice meal. I made this Heirloom Tomato Polenta Tart recipe I've had saved since last winter that was begging to be tried before fall rolls around and sends corn out of season. We dug into it before I got a picture, but know that it was pretty and tasty and festive, and I highly recommend it...especially the polenta crust, it was so flavorful and really carried the dish.

I also made this:

A Blueberry-Peach Galette you can find here.

Gosh it was delicious, and surprisingly easy, too! Which is saying a lot considering the homemade pastry crust. I had to do some new weird technique called frisage...sounds intense but basically involves mushing the dough with the heel of your hand and then dragging it across the counter. I'm sure there's a scientific reasoning behind it, but it was kinda fun too. I recommend consulting YouTube if you ever come across the word in a recipe. It taught me well.

I'm down with frisage any day if it leads to this:

Yumm. With a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream, it was the perfect ending to a meal that just oozed summer. Hmm, speaking of ooze...

Ooze is good. Very, very good.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! You are quite the chef! Good luck to Erin! When I come I'd like to hear all about her job, too! Love you!
