Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the 4th (and the 5th).

We had a rather calm and relaxing 4th of July yesterday. Part of me liked it, since it will now be rare for Ben to have a day off other than Saturday or Sunday. But part of me was pretty jealous of the lake and the pool and the much more manageable Pellissippi fireworks show back in K-town. We toyed around with venturing out to Freedom Over Texas, the largest fireworks show on land in the country apparently...but that statistic alone was enough to turn me away. If we lived in walking distance, maybe. But we don't, and since we once waited two hours in traffic trying to exit Knoxville's downtown 4th event, we just stayed here, and actually got pretty lucky!

It looks a little far off I know, but we actually had pretty great views of the big show from the top of our apartment's parking garage! There was a little gathering of people up there watching it, and the snazzy man in his Mercedes convertible even got the music over the radio for us. I had a strong urge to belt "God Bless the USA" and scream the part about "hills of Tennessee," but then I remembered I'd be the only one doing that since I was not in Tennessee. That made me sad.
Blurry iphone picture of Ben and me on the roof...yes we got iphones last week by the way. They. Are. Incredible.

I had ribs cooking in the crock pot all day and made some potato salad and sauteed corn with garlic lime butter for our early dinner (just in case we did decide to face the ridiculous crowds). It was yummy and all-American!

I don't know if it was our non-eventful weekend or some unruly caffeine hanging out in my system, but I was up at the crack of dawn this morning. Like 5:30. And I don't have a job. Who does that? I lied in bed writing cover letters and potential job emails in my head until I finally remembered we had some leftover mushrooms in the fridge, so I popped out of bed and surprised the hubs with a yummy mushroom and mesquite turkey omelette. It was my first experience making an omelette...and I do believe Ben's words were, "I think this is the best omelette I've ever had!" Now he might have just been being nice, but I did cook the mushrooms in some white wine, so he might have been telling the truth. Nothing like vino for breakfast! :)

Eatin' breakfast in his jammies :)

Sorry I take so many pictures of food...but there it is!

I spent the rest of the morning uploading pictures, sending emails, cleaning like a mad woman, and doing some laundry. Then after lunch I glued my rear to the couch and spent endless hours searching for jobs, sending resumes, and filling out really repetitive applications. Job hunting is not my favorite activity...just waiting patiently (psh) for something to work out!

Hope it isn't as hot where you are as it is here! Thanking the Lord for A/C...


  1. You better find a job or you'll weigh 200 pounds! JK! You'll find something soon!

  2. I swear by Indeed.com!

  3. Girl I totally understand the job search! Totally excruciating! But I have total faith in you and it will be completely rewarding once you find one! I'm thinking of you!
