Thursday, July 7, 2011

what not to do.

Our Houston apartment has 10-foot ceilings. They are a blessing and a curse.

  • You don't really feel like you're in an apartment complex because it is so spacious.
  • We have little peek-a-boo windows above all the door frames that let in more natural light and again make everything feel more elegant.
  • Nice, big windows.
  • It's more space to cool...and we average 100 degrees in the summer. Yay...
  • Those nice, big windows...we've had to purchase 108" curtains for each room, and I kind of doubt we will ever be able to reuse them, at least in the near future. (Thankfully Ikea sells curtains that average $15 a panel, we'll see how hey look.)
  • Also--my sweet husband is not the tallest fellow in the world, meaning we have yet to devise a way to get those curtains hung...
However, Ben is a do-er, meaning a) he tries to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible, and b) he is awfully stubborn when it comes to the safety of himself, others, and anything he might be using to get said job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Case in point:

Unfortunately I was not quick enough to capture the moment seconds later when that big stack of books went sliding to the side and my sweet not-so-tall husband came toppling down in a not-so-graceful manner. Poor thing.

I'm not sure which I was more worried about, sweet husband or my collection of Harry Potter books that were resting at the top of that pile and went flying across the room. Watch it now.

Needless to say, we are now in the process of requesting a ladder from maintenance to hang those curtains. Oh the adventures of home decorating. :)

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